Clean on the Left!

This week, I was traveling for work, facilitating a leadership offsite for an incredible team of leaders.  

After I landed at the airport, I popped into the restroom. 

When I walked in, I was greeted with the following scene:

  • Music playing.

  • An airport employee dancing, and enthusiastically directing travelers into open stalls by saying,

  • “CLEAN on the left!”

When she noticed that I was walking oh-so-slowly into the stall, in an attempt to fit both my suitcase and my bag through the door, she came over to ask, “Is everything okay? I noticed you were going reallll slow and wanted to make sure the stall wasn't dirty!” 

On the way out, she directed me toward the (also “CLEAN!”) sinks, to keep the flow of traffic moving in a single direction. 

I thanked her as I exited the restroom, and she said, “Have a great day, beautiful!” 

She was, unquestionably, a Day Maker

And she led me to consider. . .

  • What could be possible if we brought even 10% of her joy and enthusiasm to our work, to our everyday tasks, and to our leadership?

  • What could it look like to take such pride and ownership in our work, even if that work might be perceived as unglamorous or unsexy to others?

  • And, what could it look like to do just a little something to make someone else's day?

A few questions I'm pondering as we head into the weekend. 

What comes to mind for you?

Feel free to leave a comment and let me know, if you'd like. 


Questions to CONSIDER

  • What could it look like to bring joy to the mundane?

  • What could it look like to take pride and ownership in our work —even (and especially) the unglamorous parts?

  • What could it look like to do just a little something to make someone else's day?

  • Who is someone that has made your day recently? Did you tell them?

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Hi! I’m Sarah, and I’m the founder of Zing Collaborative - a boutique leadership and people development company, focused on working with heart-centered, highly driven humans and teams through leadership and human development; highly curated experiences; and leadership and executive coaching.



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