Solutions to Workplace Stress

A friend recently said, "people under stress are weird."

Isn't that the truth?!

As leaders we can work to reduce at least some portion of "preventable stress" at work with a few simple but impactful actions.

STRESS: "Will I still have a job here in [a week, a month, two months]?"

SOLUTION: Let people know how they are doing. Share positive feedback. Share the big picture about how people are performing (how people are doing overall - not only how they did in specific moments in time).

If a downsize or RIF is happening, when possible, give people notice and allow them time to find other opportunities. May we all work to avoid the unfortunate situations of having to walk strong performers (suddenly, unexpectedly) off the job ("grab your stuff!") or having team members find out that their job is being eliminated through a random document on the shared drive.

STRESS: "The world is going to @#$%."

SOLUTION: Look for bright spots. Share things that are going well. Acknowledge the reality of things that are hard, while also highlighting the things that are going well.

Understand & acknowledge that something that feels challenging or even triggering to some may feel the opposite to others (ie: election results).

STRESS: "I feel like I'm delivering, and receiving, bad news all day, every day...and have been for the last 2+ years!"

SOLUTION: Share wins. Talk about wins. Highlight wins. At the end of each week (or in regular team meetings), talk about things that are going well.

Also, consider equipping team members with tactical tools to deliver bad news more effectively, and more confidently and to set these conversations up for success.

These are just a few.

What others would you add to the list?

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Hi! I’m Sarah, and I’m the founder of Zing Collaborative - a boutique leadership and people development company, focused on working with heart-centered, highly driven humans and teams through leadership and human development; highly curated experiences; and leadership and executive coaching.

Metaphorical Leaf Blowers

